I love being able to look up on the internet facts and figures to be continually learning. It's one reason I liked being involved with this wonderful group of ladies who were willing to look at a topic and then discuss the ramifications...ideas....The way our minds interpret data makes us all unique.... I often wonder why not everyone sees what I see. Definitely we are all very different...and that difference sometimes has torn our friendly group apart.
Tomorrow is the end of another session of Great Decisions, a program of the Foreign Policy Assoc. I have been active (and sometimes not so active) in for several years. Because it is a winter based course I am often gone for the meetings. (Which is probably a good thing as my ideas border closer to isolationist instead of diplomacy.) But they don't hold it against me....I have the best of all worlds. But the winds of change do blow...and we are all ageing. And I think with age our interests fall closer to home...our grandkids, taxes, health issues.... how to handle all the remotes.
Although still interested in what is taking place on the diplomatic front our interests are focused more on our local concern for quality healthcare, immigration, keeping our Social Security, lower government intervention and taxes, etc. Internationally we are continually bombarded with reports of strife in Israel, atrocities in the middle east, threats of nuclear weapons...a list that is continually getting longer. So we have plenty to occupy our minds if we decide not to enroll in the program and make this our last year. And certainly plenty to learn. Do bananas really improve your roses? Epson salts on your tomatoes?
Speaking of....I love my subscription to Curious.com. Watch something almost every day....easy stuff...
Besides I am finding my artistic self this year!