
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Working Man

Thanks to all the working men and for who we are celebrating this labor day.  Their ingenuity, dedication and work ethic made this great nation.

Time do mosquitos

Believe it!  We've been in the mtns. at Cascade for over a month now.  And in a little over a month we will be returning to Arizona.  Where does the time fly to?  The temperature has been down to 32 in the mornings and this morning the bugs clumped on my motor home screens were miniature grasshoppers.  One of my least favorite insects; I am glad here in Cascade they were reasonably short lived.  Afternoons when I rode my bike down the Strand they would jump from all directions pelting me with green legs and bug eyes.  Ugh!  I think the mosquitos are also gone.  This morning when I rode to the pool it was 39 degrees.

What a great Labor Day weekend.  I was just disappointed none of the kids came...nature can be so relaxing.  Friday of course we had to watch the BSU game.  Went to the golf course bar and everyone was so friendly.   Sat by a group of youngsters (20 and 30 somethings...are they still youngsters?) a couple of which were still in college at BSU and together we had a great time.  They definately knew their football!
Saturday was lovely...every day was with temps about 80 and Don and I walked to the waterpark and watched some kyacking.  So Sunday we thought we were prepared to hike the Crown Point Trail.  We made it the five miles but Monday we did a car trip up to Warren (don't bother) we were so stiff.  Crown Point winds around the sides of Lake Cascade and total it's over 5 miles but great walk and we went early so it wasn't to hot.  Don swears he saw a wolf, I'm skeptical but our friend Caroline saw a large animal on the same trail earlier in the year.  Who knows.  Local legend tells of 275 lb. wolves.

Well gotta go...busy day doing nothing.  After swimming I rode my bike down here to the waterpark as they have WiFi and Don is out fishing in the boat.  Last night we ate trout w/almonds.  Not bad.